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Gamic Guild made it into Binance Labs Season 4

Binance Labs has accepted the leading gaming guild in Africa into its incubation program, Gamic Guild to position the guild as the most sought after gaming guild in Africa. Binance Labs is excited to help Gamic Guild create massive opportunities, access an extensive network of industry leaders, establish a strong market presence and launch market-fit products and services.

GameFi recorded over 2000% user activity in the last 12 months according to the data collated with Blockchain Gaming Alliance (BGA). And one of the pain points of Blockchain gaming according to BGA is education. Gamic Guild is poised to bridge that gap in the African GameFi ecosystem and create life-changing opportunities for people. Gamic Guild is one of the latest startups to join the Binance Labs family.


Gamic Guild is an ecosystem designed to bring gamers together to benefit from Blockchain-powered games. Gamic Guild envisions a society where families can earn passive income from gaming and has partnered with several games and guilds to achieve this vision. The strategic partnerships include Avisa Games Guild, League of Mitra, Angelic the Game, XEND finance, The KillBox game, and Ark Rivals.

Binance Labs is the venture capital arm and Incubator of Binance with the core goal of supporting and helping blockchain startups grow and build impactful projects. The Binance incubation program provides all the necessary funds, PR, marketing, legal advice and business development strategies for a blockchain startup that needs to grow and build.

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