Fade Ogunro is the founder and ceo of BookingsAfrica.com, a pan-African digital work platform that enables African service providers, agencies and professionals digitize and monetize their skills by connecting clients efficiently.
As a leading technology platform, Bookings Africa is the only African freelance marketplace with a video call feature that allows clients and Brands connect with service providers from procurement, payment to service delivery which is rendered end-to-end, online. Fade has over 15 years of experience in media and technology, and most recently is also the Africa Chair for the Cherie Blair Foundation. She is dedicated to the pursuit of gender equality, digital gig work opportunities and African prosperity. Her vision is to produce self-sustainable and dignified work through digital work for over 5 million Africans.
She is an ambitious techpreneur, with goals to impact youth entrepreneurship, digital literacy and self-sustainable employment in Africa.