With deepest gratitude, the entire team of Ranks Business/ Ranks Africa appreciate you all for making the event a wonderful one. Just like a birthday without cake, our event wouldn’t have been fabulous without you ( the photographers, event planners, deejays, ushers, bakers, caterers)
It was indeed honoring to have you present at the unveiling, your participation ensured the success of this project.

Your enthusiasm and positive spirit made our moment together both productive and entertaining.
You had an option of excusing yourself yet, you cared to show up and stayed long. We can’t stop saying thank you for the support and cooperation from the beginning of this project to the unveiling of the top event vendors in Nigeria magazine.
We’ll be uploading pictures of the event on our website and social media soon .
Instagram/ twitter: ranks business
Ranks Africa
Magazines are still available for order both in digital copy and print
Visit www.ranksmagazine.com
Or Whatsapp:08188001265, +234814 717 8944
Thank you,
Form: Ranks Business Affliate of
Ranks Africa